Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Review of UK Reserves gets underway

Review of Reserves gets underway

A Defence Policy and Business news article
24 Apr 08
A Strategic Review of the UK's Reserve Forces is now underway and inviting contributions from interested parties.

The review, announced by the Defence Secretary on 19 March 2008, aims to ensure Reserve Forces meet Defence’s needs now and into the future.

The Review Team has now formed, under the direction of Major General Nick Cottam CB OBE in MOD Main Building, London. Team members include regular and reserve officers, MOD Civil Servants and Consultancy staff.

The Review began on 21 April 2008.

The Review Team seeks to provide a range of recommendations and models which allow for the most usable, sustainable, integrated and representative Reserves to meet Defence needs.

Implicit in this work is the need to find appropriate Terms and Conditions of Service, and to ensure that the Reserves are better understood by the rest of Defence, and by society as a whole.

Initial encounters with Front Line Commands and other agencies has revealed work already in progress that could be helpful.

Engagment with the Reserves community

The Review aims to give the Reserves community the widest possible opportunity to comment and engage.

This has already begun through initial discussions with a number of key stakeholders. Further engagement will be via a comprehensive programme of meetings, workshops and briefings, supplemented by questionnaires where appropriate.

Whilst the team will be making every effort to speak to as wide an audience as possible with an interest in the Review, there will inevitably be some who will be missed. Should you wish to contribute, you can get in touch with the team by post or E-mail:

Strategic Review of Reserves Team
Level 8, Zone C
MOD Main Building
Ministry of Defence
London SW1A 2HB


Stakeholders can also submit specific questions to indiviudal Team Members; please get in touch via the e-mail adress for further contact details.

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