Thursday, May 1, 2008


PRESS RELEASE: United States Senate Committee on Armed Services

9:30 AM Thursday, May 1, 2008


Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Ranking Member, announced today that the committee has completed its markup of the National Defense Authorization Bill for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009. The bill authorizes funding for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE).

“I am very pleased that the committee has unanimously voted to report out a bill that provides our troops and their families with the support that they deserve. The bill provides a 3.9 percent across-the-board pay raise for all uniformed personnel, a half a percent more than the
President requested. It adds more than $120 million for various nonproliferation and combating WMD efforts, and includes legislative provisions to improve our ability to reduce or respond to threats of WMD, both abroad and at home. The bill also ensures proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars by requiring DOD to ensure that contractors do not receive a competitive advantage by using foreign subsidiaries to avoid the payment of U.S. payroll taxes, ensuring that private security contractors do not perform inherently governmental functions in an area of combat operations, and prohibiting the use of appropriated funds for any large-scale infrastructure projects in Iraq. All Armed Services Committee Members can be proud of their bipartisan work on this bill,” said Levin.

“I congratulate Chairman Levin on a successful markup of this year’s National Defense Authorization bill. Senator Levin’s leadership continues to exemplify the Committee’s long tradition of bipartisanship, and I am honored to serve with him. We have a good bill that fully funds the President’s budget request, provides a 3.9 percent pay raise for all military personnel and enhances dental and medical benefits for the Guard and Reserves. This is a critical time in our nation’s history and the Committee has, once again, demonstrated its strong bipartisan
support for our troops and their mission to protect our great nation,” said McCain.

“I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to Senator John Warner. After 29 years on the Armed Services Committee, this year’s markup was his last. Senator Warner has served as the Committee’s great sage. His rare brand of integrity, honor and gentle persuasion are emblematic of his long distinguished service to his nation. I’ve long admired his steady hand and tireless commitment to our brave servicemen and women. I am grateful for his strong stewardship. His advice and counsel have been invaluable to me and he will be greatly missed by me and all members of the Senate,” added McCain.

“The policies and funding decisions in this bill are designed to reduce our Nation’s strategic risk by helping to restore the readiness of the military services to conduct the full range of their assigned missions as soon as possible,” added Levin.

“I also want to thank Senator John McCain for his steadfast support and Senator John Warner, whose wise counsel contributes so much to the Committee’s work,” Levin also added.

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