Friday, August 1, 2008

Thales: 2008 first half-results confirm strength of company

2008 first half-results confirm strength of company

29 July 2008
Business momentum sustained, results hold firm. Full-year objectives confirmed


Organic growth in revenues growth of +6.3% (on a like-for-like basis and with constant exchange rates);

Sharp organic increase in order intake (+16%), with the award of several major contracts;

Organic growth of EBIT by 10%, thanks to the very good performance of the Defence segment and despite the impact of difficulties on some complex ticketing contracts in the Security segment;

Full impact of the "Optimum" plan launched in 2005 and continuation of competitiveness efforts, particularly to withstand a very unfavourable currency environment;

Confirmed full-year objectives of a 6% organic growth in revenues and an EBIT margin of at least 7.25% of revenues.

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