Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boeing Awarded Contract for B-52 Advanced Targeting

Boeing Awarded Contract for B-52 Advanced Targeting

WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 24, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced a $15 million contract award from the U.S. Air Force to develop advanced targeting capabilities for the B-52 Stratofortress.

The software upgrades will include improvements for transmitting video and targeting information from the targeting pod to friendly forces, and reduce flight crew workload. These capabilities will enable better close air support for ground troops and prepare the most versatile aircraft in the U.S. inventory for future enhancements of the flight crew's situational awareness.

"This contract includes full integration of the SNIPER targeting pod, allowing the B-52 to have one of the most advanced targeting capabilities available for our warfighters," said Cathy Clothier, B-52 deputy program manager for Boeing. "Continuing to make upgrades and advancements to this platform is critical as we help the Air Force keep the B-52 as a relevant and viable asset now and into the future."

The contract also calls for the development of software that will better use new technologies such as the B-52 Multi-Function Color Display and a digital-integrated hand controller.

The new targeting capabilities will begin tests in 2009 and are planned to be integrated onto the entire fleet by 2010. Software integration, interface design and installation will take place at Boeing's Wichita, Kan., facility.

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