Friday, September 26, 2008

DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS: Sound Business Case Needed to Implement Missile Defense Agency's Targets Program

DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS: Sound Business Case Needed to Implement Missile Defense Agency's Targets Program

Highlights of GAO-08-1113, a report to congressional committees

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is likely to spend $460 million annually on missiles used as targets for flight tests. Executing these tests depends on the quality and availability of targets. Congress asked GAO to assess (1) if MDA is providing reliable targets; (2) the causes of any deficiencies; and (3) if resolutions exist for any problems identified.
To do this, GAO analyzed acquisition policies and procedures; flight test data; and budget, program execution, and acquisition materials; and interviewed MDA and DOD officials.

What GAO Recommends
GAO recommends that the Secretary of Defense establish a revised business case for providing targets for a robust flight test program and use that as a guide to align the program’s plans and resources. DOD partially concurred with these two recommendations, but did not concur with a third recommendation that it report its targets acquisition strategy, business case, and baselines to Congress, preferring to rely on briefings to Congressional staff and information in the annual budget submission. GAO is therefore suggesting that Congress consider requiring DOD to report this information to the Congressional Defense Committees.

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