Monday, September 29, 2008

MILITARY OPERATIONS: DOD Needs to Address Contract Oversight and Quality Assurance Issues for Contracts Used to Support Contingency Operations

MILITARY OPERATIONS: DOD Needs to Address Contract Oversight and Quality Assurance Issues for Contracts Used to Support Contingency Operations

Highlights of GAO-08-1087, a report to congressional committees

The Department of Defense (DOD) uses contractors to meet many of its logistical and operational support needs. With the global war on terrorism, there has been a significant increase in deployment of contractor personnel to areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan. In its fiscal year 2007 report, the House Appropriations Committee directed GAO to examine the link between the growth in DOD’s operation and maintenance costs and DOD’s increased reliance on service contracts. GAO determined (1) the extent to which costs for selected contracts increased and the factors causing the increases, (2) the extent to which DOD provided oversight for selected contracts, and (3) the reasons for DOD’s use of contractors to support contingency operations. To address these objectives, GAO reviewed a nonprobability sample of seven DOD contracts for services that provide vital support to contingency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. GAO reviewed contract requirements, funding documents and DOD guidance for these contracts and interviewed DOD and contractor personnel.

What GAO Recommends
To ensure effective oversight, GAO recommends that DOD adequately staff oversight positions with qualified personnel, and address inconsistencies in maintaining contract files and implementing quality assurance principles. DOD concurred with each of GAO’s recommendations and stated the Army was aware of and addressing the identified problems.

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