Friday, October 17, 2008

Air Marshal Stephen Dalton appointed next Chief of the Air Staff

Air Marshal Stephen Dalton appointed next Chief of the Air Staff

A Defence Policy and Business news article
17 Oct 08

Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy is pleased to announce that Her Majesty The Queen has graciously approved his recommendation that he be succeeded by Air Marshal Stephen Dalton.

Currently serving as Deputy Commander-in-Chief Personnel, Air Marshal Stephen Dalton will take up post as Chief of the Air Staff on 31 July 2009.

Air Marshal Dalton will be succeeded in turn as Deputy Commander-in-Chief Personnel by Air Vice-Marshal Simon Bryant, who will be promoted to the rank of Air Marshal on taking up his new appointment.

Air Marshal Christopher Moran is promoted to the rank of Air Chief Marshal and will take up the post of Commander-in-Chief Air Command and Air Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty The Queen. He succeeds Air Chief Marshal Sir Clive Loader who is retiring.

Air Marshal Stephen Dalton CB BSc FRAeS MCMI RAF

Air Marshal Stephen Dalton joined the RAF after graduating with a 2.1 honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Bath University. Subsequently, whilst based in the UK and Germany, he flew the Jaguar on three tours in the tactical reconnaissance and ground attack roles. During these tours he flew on exercises in Europe (Norway, Italy, France and Spain), the USA and Canada.

On completion of the Advanced Staff Course, Air Marshal Dalton commanded No 13 Squadron flying the Tornado GR1A, during which he was deployed on Operation JURAL flying reconnaissance missions over Iraq; for part of the period he was the Commander British Forces JURAL for Op SOUTHERN WATCH in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Air Marshal Dalton commanded Royal Air Force Coltishall and the RAF’s Jaguar Force for two years from September 1997. On promotion to Air Commodore he was appointed as Director of the Eurofighter Programme Assurance Group in the Ministry of Defence London.

After attending the Higher Command Staff Course in 2002, he was appointed the Director of Air Operations in Ministry of Defence, a period which was dominated by the preparation for and conduct of Operation TELIC - the UK contribution to the multi-national operations in Iraq in 2003.

A tour followed as the Capability Manager for Information Superiority with specific responsibilities for Command, Control and Information Infrastructure and for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance.

In April 2004 Air Marshal Dalton was appointed Controller Aircraft, a post which carried with it a place on the Air Force Board and which he carried with him into his next position when, in May 2006, he took up the appointment of Director General Typhoon in the Ministry of Defence.

In May 2007, Air Marshal Dalton was appointed Deputy Commander in Chief Personnel and Air Member for Personnel, based at HQ Air Command, RAF High Wycombe.

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