Monday, November 10, 2008

GAO: NONPROLIFERATION - U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but More Effort Is Needed to Strengthen and Expand the Proliferation Security Initiative

GAO: NONPROLIFERATION - U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but More Effort Is Needed to Strengthen and Expand the Proliferation Security Initiative

Highlights of GAO-09-43, a report to congressional committees

The President announced the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) in 2003 to enhance U.S. efforts to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. In a 2006 classified report, GAO recommended that agencies establish clear PSI policies and procedures and performance indicators. In 2007, Congress enacted a law calling for the administration to expand and strengthen PSI and address GAO’s prior recommendations.

This report assesses (1) the extent to which the administration issued a PSI directive and submitted required PSI-related reports to Congress; (2) steps U.S. agencies have taken to establish clear PSI policies and procedures, structures, budgets, and performance indicators; and (3) U.S. agencies’ efforts to increase cooperation and coordination with PSI countries and develop a strategy to resolve interdiction issues.

GAO reviewed and analyzed agency documents and interviewed officials from the Departments of State (State), Defense (DOD), and other agencies with PSI responsibilities.

What GAO Recommends
GAO recommends that (1) relevant law enforcement agencies establish clear policies, procedures, and indicators to support PSI activities, and (2) DOD and State take steps to increase cooperation and coordination between the United States and certain PSI countries. DHS and FBI concurred with our first recommendation, and DOD and State concurred with our second recommendation.

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