Friday, November 7, 2008

India: Antony presents awards to Defence PSUs /Ordnance Factories

India: Antony presents awards to Defence PSUs /Ordnance Factories
18:13 IST

November 7 2008 -- Defence Minister Shri AK Antony presented the Defence Minister's Awards for Excellence for the year 2006-07 to Ordnance Factories and Defence Public Sector Undertakings in New Delhi today.

List of recipients is as follows :

Institutional Awards :

(a) Excellence in Performance – Bharat Electronics Ltd., Bangalore.

Major achievements of BEL during the year 2006-07 are – 81% of its turnover came from indigenously developed products; more than 25 new products introduced and supplied during the year; major new products supplied include Advanced Land Navigation System, Jammers (Safari), Hand Held UHF Radio VPS Mk III and Upgraded Electronic Voting Machines.

(b) Best Performance in Exports – Bharat Earth Movers Ltd., Bangalore

BEML has over the years, has established its marketing in more than 52 countries by supplying equipments and services. BEML export has grown at a phenomenal rate and during the year 2007-08, the company has exported equipment and services to the tune of Rs. 200.62 crores, a growth of 81% over the previous year of Rs. 110.73 crores. The company has broken new grounds and made entry into Indonesia, China, Thailand, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Sudan and Myanmar and has also opened its overseas warehouse/ sales offices in Malaysia, China and Brazil in 2007-08. The company to open its office in Indonesia during the current year.

Division / Factory / Shipyard Awards

(a) Best Performing Division of DPSUs - Transport Aircraft Division, HAL, Kanpur

During the year 2006-07, the Division achieved sales of Rs. 354 crores against the target of Rs. 326 crores representing an increase of 9% over the projected targeted value. As a part of process improvement by waste elimination, cycle time Dornier 228 aircraft servicing has been reduced from 7.7 months during 2003-04 to 4.44 months during 2006-07. The cost reduction achieved during 2006-07 was Rs. 180 lakhs as compared to Rs. 150 lakhs in 2005-06 through indigenous measures in various fields. The percentage of IT literate to Total Employees has increased to 77.16% as compared to 71.21% of the previous year.

The Division has been identified as the agency for production of Intermediate Jet Trainer aircraft. The facilities are being set up to take up this challenging task.

(b) Best Performing Factory of OFB - Ordnance Factory, Ambajhari, Nagpur

The factory is mainly manufacturing Shell, Fuze, Cartridge Case, Die Cast Components, MLA Bridge, High Strength Al alloys and a wide range of engineering items required for arms and ammunition related to 81mm, 84mm, 105mm, 125mm and 155mm calibre.

This factory has been undertaking development of new items under in house R&D projects on regular and sustained basis. During the year 2006-07, it developed 105mm, HEER(BB) and Nag launcher for Army, SHELL (AA Flash) for 76/62 SRGM Naval Ammunition, SHELL for AK-100 Naval Ammunition, 140 mm Naval Rocket for Navy and 57mm ARROW Rocket for Air Force. Aerial Bomb (100-120 Kgs) has been successfully manufactured first time in this factory.

Taking into account the target vis-a-vis achievement made in 2006-07, the saving of this factory was Rs. 18.57 crore. The value of rejection during the year was approx. 1.33% of total COP. This could be achieved by maintaining a harmonious industrial relation in the factory.

(c) Best Performing Shipyard - Goa Shipyard Limited, Goa

GSL has garnered reputation as one of the most sophisticated ship builders in the country. For over four decades, GSL has designed, built and commissioned a wide range of sophisticated vessels for varied applications in the Defence and commercial sectors with special expertise in building modern Patrol vessels of Steel and Aluminium hull structure.

Group / Individual Awards

Import Substitution

Team comprising S/Shri S K Kar, R K Bhaumik and Sagar Gupta of Deck Machinery, Taratala Unit of Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. Kolkata ( Deck Machinery HTS Group) for development of a ‘Common Helicopter Traversing System (CHTS)’ for handling ALH and SEAKING Helicopter.
Design Effort

(a) Shri Vinay Prakash Mathur, AGM Design of Transport Aircraft Research & Design Centre, HAL, Kanpur for development of Maritime Reconnaissance and Intelligence Warfare aircraft on Dornier – 228 platform of Indian Navy.

(b) Team comprising S/Shri R Choudhary, S S Bhat, Ashok Chourasia, Somnath Sarkar, Shrikrishna Kamat and Mahesh G Malkarnekar of Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL), Goa for design and construction of Offshore Patrol Vessel.

(a) Team of Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd., (MIDHANI), Hyderabad comprising S/Shri M V Raghavaiah, D N Bhatia, YVH Rao, K R Acharya, D Achutaram, S N Prasad and K Ramakrishnan for development and manufacture of modified 9 Cr 1 Mo, components for prototype fast breeder reactor.

(b) Team of Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. Kolkata (Bailey Bridge Design Cell) comprising S/Shri Somnath Bandyopadhyay, Suken Kumar Chatterjee and Swapan Kumar Basu for design and manufacture of double lane bridge with increased carriage way and capacity to withstand the vehicular load upto IRC class 70R.

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