Thursday, December 18, 2008

House Armed Services Committee: TAUSCHER and LAMBORN Release Statement after Visit to Czech Republic

House Armed Services Committee: TAUSCHER and LAMBORN Release Statement after Visit to Czech Republic
Ike Skelton, Chairman
For Immediate Release: Dec. 18, 2008

Washington, DC - Representatives Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) released the following statement regarding their recent visit to the Czech Republic and their discussions of future security efforts.

“We are pleased to have had the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic to reaffirm our commitment to our mutual defense cooperation.

“We assured the Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra that the new American administration would be guided by the legislative conditions that were imposed by the Congress, particularly the requirement to fully test the long-range interceptors.

“We also made it clear that the new administration policies would be guided by our national security interests, and that we would not be dissuaded by external threats.

“Finally, we stressed the need for immediate action to address the threat posed by short- and medium- range missiles deployed by Iran, and that the radar proposed for deployment in the Czech Republic would be an important element of that response, as well as an element of the long-range defense system.”


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