Tuesday, March 10, 2009

GAO: NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY - Key Improvements Are Needed to Strengthen the Nation's Posture

GAO: NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY - Key Improvements Are Needed to Strengthen the Nation's Posture
March 10, 2009

Highlights of GAO-09-432T, a testimony to the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology, Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives

Pervasive and sustained computer-based (cyber) attacks against federal and private-sector infrastructures pose a potentially devastating impact to systems and operations and the critical infrastructures that they support. To address these threats, President Bush issued a 2003 national strategy and related policy directives aimed at improving cybersecurity nationwide. Congress and the Executive Branch, including the new administration, have subsequently taken actions to examine the adequacy of the strategy and identify areas for improvement. Nevertheless, GAO has identified this area as high risk and has reported on needed improvements in implementing the national cybersecurity strategy.

In this testimony, you asked GAO to summarize (1) key reports and recommendations on the national cybersecurity strategy and (2) the views of experts on how to strengthen the strategy. In doing so, GAO relied on its previous reports related to the strategy and conducted panel discussions with key cybersecurity experts to solicit their views on areas for improvement.

What GAO Recommends
GAO has previously made about 30 recommendations, mostly directed at DHS, to improve our nation’s cybersecurity strategy efforts. DHS in large part has concurred with GAO’s recommendations and, in many cases, has actions planned and under way to implement them.

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