Monday, May 11, 2009

GAO: DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS - Assessments Needed to Address V-22 Aircraft Operational and Cost Concerns to Define Future Investments

GAO: DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS - Assessments Needed to Address V-22 Aircraft Operational and Cost Concerns to Define Future Investments
May 11, 2009

Highlights of GAO-09-482, a report to congressional requesters

Why GAO Did This Study
Since the 1980s, the V-22, developed to transport combat troops, supplies, and equipment for the U.S. Marine Corps and to support other services’ operations, has experienced several fatal crashes, demonstrated various deficiencies, and faced virtual cancellation—much of which it has overcome. Although until recently deployed in Iraq and regarded favorably, it has not performed the full range of missions anticipated, and how well it can do so is in question. In view of concerns about the V-22 program, you asked us to determine if the V-22 will perform as promised, and if it will, at what cost. GAO reviewed (1) current MV-22 operations in Iraq; (2) strengths and deficiencies in terms of the capabilities expected of the V-22; and (3) past, current, and future costs.

GAO reviewed a range of program documents and data, interviewed program officials, operators and others; and observed MV-22 operations in Iraq and shipboard.

The Secretary of Defense should require a new alternatives analysis of the V-22 and determine how cost effective it is in meeting the Marine Corps medium lift needs, and possibly other services’ uses. DOD should also require that the Marine Corps develop a prioritized strategy to improve system suitability, reduce operational costs, and align future budget requests accordingly. DOD concurred with the second recommendation, but not the first. GAO believes both recommendations remain valid.

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