Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Media Invited to Attend Northrop Grumman Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Media Briefings

Media Invited to Attend Northrop Grumman Association for Unmanned
Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Media Briefings
August 5th, 2009

Northrop Grumman Corporation will participate in a series of media briefings during the AUVSI North America 2009 conference in Washington, D.C. The briefings will cover the growing family of systems developed by Northrop Grumman, a leading producer of unmanned systems in the air, on the ground and at sea. The company will detail:

-- Its extensive experience with autonomy and mission management
that includes over 25,000 combat hours for the RQ-4 Global Hawk
high altitude long endurance aircraft
-- Its Broad Area Maritime Surveillance unmanned aircraft system
that has the growth and flexibility to meet U.S. Navy needs for
the next 20 years
-- The progress of the MQ-8B Fire Scout vertical unmanned aircraft
system towards operational evaluation, including recently
conducted operations aboard the USS McInerney (FFG-8)
-- New developments with Remotec unmanned ground systems
-- A team briefing with the U.S. Navy will provide updates on the
Navy's Expeditionary Overwatch program
-- The progress towards providing the U.S. Navy with a
carrier-capable unmanned aircraft system - the X-47B Navy
Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration
-- Its new platform offering, the Bat(tm) UAS

What: Media Briefing Schedule
Where: Washington D.C. Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, NW, Room #203A
Washington, DC 20001
RSVP: To respective media contacts listed below.

Time/Location Topic Presenter(s) Media Contact
Tuesday, Why Unmanned? Gene Fraser, Rene' Freeland;
August 11 Northrop Vice President
11 a.m. - Grumman and Deputy Mobile: 858.232.2847
12 p.m. Unmanned Aerospace
Systems Systems Strike
Washington Overview - and Surveillance
D.C. in the air, Division
Convention on the
Center ground and
Press Room at sea
Tuesday, Broad Area Captain Robert Jim Stratford
August 11 Maritime Dishman,
12-1 p.m. Surveillance PMA 262 Mobile: 321.960.8497
Overview Program
Washington and Program Manager, NAVAIR
D.C. Update
Center Walt Kreitler
Press Room Director, Broad
#203A/B Area Maritime
Northrop Grumman
Aerospace Systems
Tuesday, RQ-4 Global Tom Twomey, Jim Stratford
August 11 Hawk High Director,
1-2 p.m. Altitude High-Altitude, Mobile: 321.960.8497
Long Long-Endurance
Washington Endurance Systems
D.C. Overview and Business
Convention Program Development,
Center Update Northrop Grumman
Press Room Aerospace
#203A/B Systems
Tuesday, MQ-8B Fire Mike Fuqua Sherri Pineda
August 11 Scout Director,
2-3 p.m. Vertical MQ-8B Fire Mobile: 858. 943.1152
Unmanned Scout
Washington Aircraft Business
D.C. System Development,
Convention Overview and Northrop Grumman
Center Program Aerospace
Press Room Update Systems
Tuesday, Unmanned Mike Knopp, Rene' Freeland;
August 11 Systems on President,
3-4 p.m. the Ground - Northrop Mobile: 858.232.2847
Washington Remotec Grumman
D.C. Overview Remotec
Convention and Program
Center Update
Press Room
Wednesday, Unmanned at Larry Datko Rene' Freeland;
August 12 Sea - Navy Program
8-9 a.m. Expeditionary Manager, Mobile: 858.232.2847
Overwatch Expeditionary
Washington Update Warfare
D.C. Northrop
Convention Grumman
Center Electronic
Press Room Systems
Nelson Mills
Technical Lead,
Naval Surface
Warfare Center
Wednesday, X-47B Navy Scott Winship, Cyndi Wegerbauer
August 12 Unmanned Vice
9-10 a.m. Combat Air President Mobile: 858.705.3280
System and Program
Update - Manager,
Progression Navy UCAS,
Washington Towards Northrop
D.C. Providing Grumman
Convention the U.S. Aerospace
Center Navy with a Systems
Press Room Carrier-
#203A/B Capable
Wednesday, Bat(tm) Tom Twomey, Cyndi Wegerbauer
August 12 Unmanned Director,
11 a.m. Aircraft Business Mobile: 858.705.3280
- 12 p.m. System Development,
Program Northrop
Overview Grumman
Washington Aerospace
D.C. Systems
Press Room

Northrop Grumman has been in the UAS business for more than 60 years,
providing more than 100,000 unmanned systems to military customers in
the U.S. and abroad.

# # #

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