Thursday, September 3, 2009

Northrop Grumman to Brief Reporters On Major Aircraft Programs and Technologies At Air Force Association Air & Space Conference

Northrop Grumman to Brief Reporters On Major Aircraft Programs and
Technologies At Air Force Association Air & Space Conference
September 3, 2009

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC), a leader in global security,
will update reporters on its most significant advances in developing,
producing and modernizing U.S. military aircraft systems and related
electronic technologies at the annual Air Force Association (AFA) Air &
Space Conference.

Topics will range from the breakthrough STARLite radar for unmanned
aircraft and the Scalable Agile Beam Radar retrofit active
electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, to the E-8C Joint STARS
ground surveillance aircraft, the world's only system capable of
tracking ground targets over a wide area in any weather, day or night.
The briefings will also cover the company's latest offerings in laser
Directed Infrared Countermeasures for aircraft protection and
electronic warfare.

Northrop Grumman's AFA exhibit booth #901 will complement the media
briefings with an overview of the company's global security offerings
in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; air mobility; long
range strike; cyber security; and space-based climate monitoring.

Detailed information on each briefing is available from the media
contacts listed below.

What: Northrop Grumman Media Briefings

When: Sept. 14, 15

Where: Air Force Association 2009 Air & Space Conference
Northrop Grumman Communications Suite
(follow signs/directory at hotel)
Gaylord National Hotel
National Harbor, MD 20745

RSVP: To individual media contacts listed below by close of business
day prior to event

Mon., Sept. 14

Location Topic Presenter Media Contact
(All times

9 a.m. EO/IR: Taking it to the Jack Pledger Fran DiMeglio
Northrop Next Level: Director, IRCM (203) 852-4823
Grumman An overview of ground- Business office
Suite breaking new developments Development; (203) 216-8318
in the non-traditional use Defensive mobile
of laser DIRCM aircraft Systems fran.dimeglio
protection including: growth Division
of targeting pod capability,
data links and situational Northrop Grumman
awareness. Electronic Systems

9:45 a.m. STARLite: Advanced Radar Jack Pledger Fran DiMeglio
Northrop Capability for UAVs: Director, IRCM (203) 852-4823
Grumman A review of this break- Business office
Suite through advanced radar Development; (203) 216-8318
capability now available in Defensive mobile
a less than 80-pound package Systems fran.dimeglio
for tactical unmanned and Division
light fixed-and rotary-wing
manned air vehicles. Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems

10:30 a.m. Scalable Agile Beam Radar Arlene Camp, Fran DiMeglio
Northrop (SABR): Director (203) 852-4823
Grumman Briefing will discuss SABR's of Advanced office
Suite first flight results aboard F-16 Programs (203) 216-8318
the Sabreliner testbed mobile
aircraft and provide fran.dimeglio
information on new modes
recently demonstrated by the
SABR team. As the world's Northrop Grumman
only flight demonstrated Electronic Systems
retrofit AESA, SABR makes
AESA affordable and
accessible to capability-
minded customers who are
unable to purchase a fifth-
generation fighter.

11:30 a.m. BANSHEE Kevin Weppner, Fran DiMeglio
Northrop Digital Electronic Warfare Director, (203) 852-4823
Grumman Architecture: Business office
Suite Briefing will explore Development, (203) 216-8318
Northrop Grumman's leadership Radio mobile
BOX in providing custom EW Frequency fran.dimeglio
LUNCHES solutions based on a digital, Combat and
WILL BE scalable, modular design that Information
SERVED allows smooth retro and Systems
forward integration with
other advanced sensors. Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems

6:30 p.m. AFA Air Battle Management Brig. Gen. Jim Stratford
Crew of the Year Reception: Tom Moore, (321) 726-7526
Northrop Northrop Grumman recognizes Commander, office
Grumman Crew 2, 16th Air Command & 116th ACW (321) 960-8497
Booth #901 Control Squadron selected mobile
for this prestigious AFA Dr. Dale Burton jim.stratford
award. Sixth year in a row Vice President,
for the 116th ACW and ninth ISR & BMC2
time since award was first
presented in 1998. Northrop Grumman
Aerospace Systems

Tues., Sept. 15

2 p.m. E-8C Joint STARS Update: Steve Pauly, Jim Stratford
Northrop Briefing will reveal new Director, (321) 726-7526
Grumman upgrades to E-8C Joint Joint STARS office
Suite STARS, the world's only Development (321) 960-8497
wide-area surveillance GMTI and mobile
aircraft, including current Modernization jim.stratford
status of the engine program
and aircraft long-term
viability. Northrop Grumman
Aerospace Systems

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security company whose
120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions
in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and
technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide.

# # #

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