Monday, March 8, 2010

Statement by Deputy Secretary William Lynn on Northop Grumman Tanker Announcement

Statement by Deputy Secretary William Lynn on Northop Grumman Tanker Announcement
March 8, 2010

"We are disappointed by Northrop's decision not to submit a bid for the U.S. Air Force tanker replacement program.

In the last tanker replacement (KC-X) competition, Northrop Grumman competed well on both price and non-price factors. We strongly believe that the current competition is structured fairly and that both companies could compete effectively.

Based on the inputs we received from both offerors to the Department's draft Request for Proposal (RFP), we made changes to reduce the out-year risk to the potential manufacturers of KC-X. However, we did not change the war-fighters' requirements to accommodate either offeror.

The Department strongly supports trans-Atlantic defense industrial ties and believes they benefit the American war-fighter and taxpayer."

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