Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DOD Announces Units for Upcoming Rotation in Iraq

DOD Announces Units for Upcoming Rotation in Iraq
May 25, 2010

The Department of Defense announced today the alert of replacement forces scheduled to deploy in support of Operation New Dawn. Effective Sept. 1, 2010, the U.S. mission in Iraq is renamed from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn to coincide with U.S. forces' shift to an advisory, assistance, training, and equipping role. The alert announcement involves one infantry brigade from the Army National Guard consisting of approximately 2,700 personnel.

Specific unit alerted for Operation New Dawn is:

1st Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Minnesota Army National Guard

The unit will replace a redeploying unit, with no increase in overall force levels. They are currently scheduled to begin their deployment in the summer of 2011 and are receiving alert orders now in order to provide the maximum time to complete preparations. It also provides a greater measure of predictability for family members and flexibility for employers to plan for military service of their employees.

DoD will continue to announce major unit deployments as they are identified and those units are alerted.

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