Friday, May 7, 2010

House Armed Services Committee: Skelton Welcomes New Democratic Members to House Armed Services Committee

House Armed Services Committee: Skelton Welcomes New Democratic Members to House Armed Services Committee
Ike Skelton, Chairman
May 7, 2010

Skelton Welcomes New Democratic Members to House Armed Services Committee

Washington, DC – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) released the following statement on the appointment of two new Democratic Members to the House Armed Services Committee:

“I extend a warm welcome to Congressman John Garamendi of California and Congressman Leonard Boswell of Iowa who will be joining the House Armed Services Committee. I’m confident Congressman Garamendi and Congressman Boswell will discover they have joined one of the best committees in Congress, particularly now as we work toward the markup of the annual defense authorization bill. Each of our Committee Members will have the opportunity to play an important role as we work together to support our men and women in uniform and protect U.S. national security.

“I also want to thank Congressman Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania for his service as he leaves the House Armed Services Committee to join the House Appropriations Committee. He will be missed by our Committee, but I know Congressman Murphy will continue to be a strong advocate for our national defense and for our service members and their families.”


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