Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Northrop Grumman Announces Media Briefings at 2010 Farnborough International Airshow

Northrop Grumman Announces Media Briefings at 2010 Farnborough International Airshow
July 6, 2010

Northrop Grumman Corporation will participate in a series of media briefings during the 2010 Farnborough International Airshow. The company will have a wide variety of its programs and capabilities on display including unmanned systems, cybersecurity, defense electronics, logistics, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

What: Northrop Grumman Media Briefings
When: See specific times below. All times local
Where: Northrop Grumman Corporation Media Centre (except as noted)

Date Topic Speaker(s) Media Contact
Mon. July 19 F-16 Relevant Operational Charles J. Katie Lamb-Heinz
10 a.m. Capability and Affordable Brinkman, VP (847) 815-0755
Sustainment. This and general katie.lamb@ngc.
briefing will explore the manager, com
challenges faced by Northrop
legacy F-16 fleets Grumman
worldwide and Northrop Electronic
Grumman's unique role in Systems,
preserving operational Targeting
relevance and logistical Systems
sustainment over the next Division
30 years. Also discussed
will be how the F-16
operates as a 'bridge to
the F-35' and the advent
of AESA technology in the
fighter world.

Mon. July 19 Unmanned Systems. Gene Fraser, Nathan Drevna
11 a.m. Northrop Grumman is the sector VP, (571) 286-8440
leader in unmanned Northrop nathan.drevna@
systems - in the air, on Grumman ngc.com
the ground, on the sea Aerospace
and under the sea - and Systems
will discuss new
developments in its
portfolio of unmanned

Mon. July 19 RQ-4 / Global Hawk. Ed Walby, Nathan Drevna
Noon Global Hawk recently director, (571) 286-8440
logged its 42,000th Business nathan.drevna@
flight hour of which more Development, ngc.com
than 32,000 hours were High
flown in combat with 95 Altitude,
percent mission Long-
effectiveness, providing Endurance
customers with real-time, Systems,
persistent, reliable and Northrop
flexible intelligence, Grumman
surveillance and Aerospace
reconnaissance. This Systems
overview will cover these
and other recent

Tue. July 20 F-5 Worldwide Sustainment Richard Dave Apt
10 a.m. Team. Northrop Grumman Raiford, (703) 508-6466
and teammates RUAG director, David.apt@ngc.com
Aviation and Astronautics Market
will summarize their Development,
recently announced Northrop
"Ultimate Tiger Team" Grumman
approach to providing Technical
global sustainment for Services
F-5 aircraft.
Jets &
RUAG Aviation

Daniel Wade,

Tue. July 20 Fire Scout Overview and Mike Fuqua, Nathan Drevna
11 a.m. Program Update. An update manager, (571) 286-8440
on the U.S. Navy's Business nathan.drevna@
MQ-8B Fire Scout Vertical Development, ngc.com
Takeoff and Landing MQ-8B Fire
Tactical UAV system, Scout
which is nearing Program,
operational evaluation. Northrop

Wed. July 21 DIRCM Transmitter Steve Katie Lamb-Heinz
2:30 p.m. Presentation to the Royal Mogford, (847) 815-0755
Air Force (RAF) Museum. CEO, SELEX katie.lamb@ngc.
SELEX Galileo and Galileo com
Chalet 1430 Northrop Grumman will
Finmeccanica present Peter Dye, Jim Pitts,
Director General of the corporate
RAF Museum, with a DIRCM vice
transmitter previously president and
flown on an RAF aircraft president,
to mark the 15th Northrop
anniversary of the U.K. Grumman
Ministry of Defence Electronic
development contract Systems
undertaken by the two
companies to develop and
produce the first ever,
life-saving infrared
technology widely used on
RAF aircraft in combat
today. During this
presentation an
announcement will also be
made concerning the SELEX
Galileo / Northrop Grumman
team's new development
program taking aircraft
self-protection equipment
to the next generation.


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