Tuesday, July 6, 2010

UK Ministry of Defence Signs Scout SV Contract With General Dynamics UK

UK Ministry of Defence Signs Scout SV Contract With General Dynamics UK
July 1, 2010

LONDON, -The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed a contract with South Wales-based General Dynamics UK to deliver the Specialist Vehicle (SV) for the British Army. The demonstration phase, which has been activated by the signature of the contract by Peter
Luff MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for Defence Equipment, Support & Technology, is worth 500m pounds Sterling. The demonstration phase will see the development of seven prototypes for the Scout reconnaissance vehicle and supporting variants built on the ASCOD SV Common Base Platform, as well as providing associated training equipment.

ASCOD SV, which is a modified military off the shelf (MMOTS) platform already proven in service with a number of NATO allies, will replace the ageing CVR(T) fleet and will introduce new vehicle roles.

"The MoD chose General Dynamics UK's ASCOD SV because it guaranteed the best protection for British troops, the best value for money for the British taxpayer, the best deal for the UK Industrial base, the best integrated solution, and the best growth potential for the British Army to combat future threats throughout the 30-year lifespan of the vehicle," commented Dr. Sandy Wilson, president and managing director of General Dynamics UK.

"I am particularly proud that this vehicle has been designed in Britain by British engineers and will provide jobs for British workers, as well as saving the lives of British military personnel wherever they may be in the world over the next 30 or so years," continued Dr. Wilson. "My team and I at General Dynamics UK look forward to working in partnership with the MoD over the next several years to deliver the vehicle the British Army deserves and needs in order to do their difficult jobs in the safest and most effective manner possible."

Key advantages that the ASCOD SV delivers to the MoD include:

A modern drivetrain, which is good for the 30-year life of the vehicle and thereby obviates the need for a mid-life upgrade;

Load-carrying potential of up to 42 tonnes with a growth path to 45 tonnes, which provides the ability to meet future threats likely to appear over its entire 30-year life, as well as carry its heaviest variants;

A Common Base Platform that will support variants such as an Armoured Personnel Carrier, Protected Mobility vehicle, a Repair vehicle and a Recovery vehicle;

An open electronic architecture, available across all variants, which will make the SV fleet easier to maintain, ease the training burden, and play a key role in lowering costs throughout the life of the vehicles; and

An advanced turret design which, because of its internal space and leading ergonomics, delivers improved survivability and fightability for its crew. General Dynamics UK has sub-contracted Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill to produce the turret.

ASCOD SV also has high export potential, as required under the Defence Industrial Strategy.

The trials of the prototype vehicles are expected to begin with the Army no later than 2013. Once the demonstration phase is successfully completed, the MoD will be in a position to proceed to the Manufacture Phase and begin production of these battle-winning vehicles.

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