Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Editorial: Termination of the UK Defence Training Review (DTR) - Justice belatedly served

Editorial: Termination of the UK Defence Training Review (DTR) - Justice belatedly served
October 19th, 2010

Today it was announced in the House of Commons that the DTR programme was cancelled (please see previous posting).

At the time it was highly innapropriate for HMG to choose a bidder in which owned a financial stake. The Metrix consortium, majority owned by QinetiQ (with a Carlyle Group minority interest) chased a programme to provide training for vehicle drivers, cooks etc. Hardly the forte of a commercial organisation pitching itself as the bastion of British defence science.

Split into two packages, arguably the second was a bone to keep the appearance of competition and result in many pounds spent by bidding teams for a foregone conclusion.

Red Dragon, the DARA aircraft repair facility at St. Athan in South Wales was a real beneficiary of the Wales Labour Party political caucus, who probably like Scotland have no love for the Conservative Government - which is now being repaid in spades....

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